Friday, September 4, 2009

New Room for Baby

Poor Amelia is going to learn how to sleep through the night. At one point in time she was doing so, but then decided she didn't want to. Currently she awakes at least once, up to six times a night! She's almost a year old, so I believe it is time for her to learn.

We've tried to work on sleeping through the night in the past. She's been sharing a room with the other two girls. Neither one of them appreciated being woken by Amelia's crying. She never cried very hard, but enough to awaken them enough for them to yell out that she was crying. After that point in time, there was no way she would be going back to sleep on her own.

We finally cleaned out the sewing room and moved her crib in there. We'll have to see how she handles it and what Mommy ends up doing when she wakes up. I'm hoping I'm not going to be on autopilot and still pick her up before I realize what I'm doing. I'm hoping, also, that this will only take a few nights and then she can move back into the room with her sisters and I can have my sewing room back.

In other news: I have all the information for the newsletter. I now just have to actually put it into newsletter form. I'm hoping to be able to do that tomorrow so that I can have it ready for Sunday. I still have not written much in my book, and subsequently have had difficulty falling asleep. I just need to push on through this fear. In a positive note, MOPs starts in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to the kick of picnic.

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