Friday, September 25, 2009


My husband often tells me I have too many "projects" going at one time. He doesn't seem to understand the need I have to create things. Whether it's knitting, cross stitch, writing, gardening, planning parties for the kids, or making some new culinary delight I love to create. Even if no one appreciates it, or even sees it, does not seem to matter, although there are times I enjoy having people know what I've done. It's growing to be an obsession of mine, learn something new and create from that knowledge.

Most people I know have the same drive, maybe not as insistently as I do, but they have it, even my husband. My kids do, they build with Legos and blocks, pretend play, and even color to create. Where does this desire come from that drives us to create things, even if no one sees them but ourselves?

Our Creator has placed his thumbprint upon us. He loves creating, just from the shearer enjoyment of it. I believe He placed this desire in us. In our small creations, we can understand His love of creating and can identify with Him. Just one more way that He shows Himself to us and shows that He is not just some distant, uncaring being.

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