Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MOPs, at last!

The first MOPs meeting of this school year was held today! It was so exciting to be back, to see people I haven't seen since May, to meet new moms, and see how big everyone's kids have grown! Such a good time. It looks like it will be a great year. The first Wednesday of October is too far away. I don't want to wait that long before I go back. But, I guess I don't get much choice. If you're a Mother Of a Preschooler, or want to be a mother, or will be a mother soon, check out MOPs. It's a great place to go. Lots of encouragement, lots of advice, lots of women who are experiencing what you're are going through right now.

In other news...

I wrote one paragraph in my book today, before I was harassed by my children. I tried making mozzarella sticks, didn't work out so well. Gave my niece her first piano lesson with me. Planned individual time with the kids for the next month. Pureed squash, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, and broccoli to freeze and eventually cook with. Found out I love my food processor (which I received as a wedding present and have never used!).

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Mops was awesome, wasn't it? This is my first time in three years that I could just attend MOPS and not have a set responsibility. It was so different and yet I enjoyed just enjoying MOPS if that makes sense. Can't wait for the first Wed. of October either !!!!