Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It is not Writer's Block, it is fear!

I have not written anything for my book in a few weeks. It sits there, taunting me. It is not writer's block. I know what needs to be written and what the next step will be. I can't get this vision out of my head, it won't leave me alone.

I still haven't written about it. I'm afraid. My perfectly planned story has taken on a life of its own. It has veered off course, and now I am quite lost. I always seem to know the next step, but not the final chapter. It's very disconcerting. Almost like this isn't really my story, but someone else's, who happens to also be in my head. Very weird.

I should write tonight. Even ten minutes of writing means I can fall asleep in a few minutes, instead of a few hours. Plot lines, characters, stories run through my head and keep me awake at night if I haven't written during the day. I thought my blog could help, but it doesn't keep the ideas away.

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