Monday, September 7, 2009

My Buddy and Me!

Hope and my nephew, who is the same age, are best buddies. Born only a few months apart they are like Yin and Yang, but very close. They always greet each other with a hug and refer to each other as My Buddy. Hope will often try to escape when we are outside to run to her buddy's house. Once she made it to the corner before I caught her! Their hugs have gotten crazy, one of these days they'll hurt each other. Hope often cries when her buddy leaves her. She doesn't like to be parted.

Yin and Yang - one dark, the other light. one female, the other male. one quiet, one loud, one destructive, the other chaotic. one slow, the other fast. one shy, the other not. both very loving, both full of laughter, and both very sweet.

I enjoy watching the love and enjoyment they have for each other. I can't wait to watch their relationship grow. I've always believed it very important to have a friend who has grown up with you that you can say anything to and they know where you're coming from. I'm fortunate to have that and very grateful that all my children will have that as well. But, look out to the girl/boyfriend that will get in the way of Hope and her cousin's relationship!

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