Tuesday, June 8, 2010

20 Weeks to a Book - Week 3

Here we are on week 3. I did not fit in 5 hours of writing last week. The inspiration to write seems to come when it is most inconvenient for me - while I'm doing laundry, when I need to go to bed, while at work, etc., etc. I'm working on disciplining myself to write right after the kids are in bed. I'll let you know how successful I am with that. I did find a good friend to set a dead line for me every week and to bug me if I am tardy with sending her the next part of the story.

This week Maeve encourages us to write about interesting people. People who interest us and who grow as the story is told. We need to remember the story is a journey and things change as the journey takes place. She also expects us to know what kind of pace the story should have. We need to decide what kind of story we are telling to determine that pace. The story I am currently working on is a medium speed story, not adventurous nor lyrical, but with a mix of both.

Next week, we will explore week 4 and see if I have stuck to my goals.


Kristina said...

Hey Juli!

I am excited to follow you on this 20 weeks to a book adventure! I recently decided to pick up my manuscript again and begin crafting it! Maybe we could start a MOPS/MOMSNEXT writers group? I know there are at least four of us who write....

Juli said...

Kristina - It would be great to be in a writer's group. I'm a little hesitant about it, from my previous experiences in one. But, I'm game to give it a try. I'm glad you are writing again!