Wednesday, June 30, 2010

20 Weeks to a Book - Weeks 6 & 7

Disclaimer - I did indeed read week 6 last week, but completely forgot to blog about it!

I finally finished up the 20 pages and sent it off to be critiqued. Prayed it would get there in time! I've written almost another 10 pages. My goal is to have 340 pages rewritten by the end of the twentieth week. Going to need to write more than 10 pages a week! (but not much more)

Here they are, weeks 6 & 7:

Week 6 - "Sustaining Progress" We've all been there. A great idea inflames our imagination. We sit down and pound out the introduction. Soon - hours, days, weeks, months later - the passion dies. The enthusiasm is gone. Unfortunately you cannot write on passion alone. If you did, nothing would be finished. This has been me. What do you do when the passion is gone?

This is where true authors persevere and wannabes quit. As Maeve says, "It's all a matter of discipline." And when discipline gives out "a series of threats and rewards" may help. Bribe and punish yourself. For example: If I finish my quota for the week, I'll be able to go out with my girlfriends. If I don't, I won't get to go (and miss out on all the fun) and I have to clean the bathroom during that time instead. What rewards/punishments work for you will be different, but set them up and see how much writing you can achieve!

Week 7 - "Finding Your Voice" What is your voice? I can assure you it's not J.R.R. Tolkien's, J.K. Rowlings, Maeve Binchy's, or any of your favorite author's. You won't get far attempting to copy another's voice. Maeve says, "It's finding the method to tell your story that seems natural and unaffected." Continue to study the techniques of other writer's, but don't attempt to write like them. No one will read your story in someone else's voice if they can read the real thing! In writing there is a difference between generic and brand name! Write what you are passionate about and write in your natural voice. You'll go farther and be more apt to have your story published.

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