Monday, May 10, 2010

Not Me Monday!

I did not run the washer (with soap and fabric softener), and forget to put the laundry in...

I did not eat 3 ice cream sandwiches in one sitting...

I did not spend Mother's Day afternoon at my Aunt's house, and leave my children with my husband at his mother's house...(I would never feel the need to be away from my wonderful children!)

I did not stay up late trying to finish Little Women...(I've read it dozens of times, why would I need to rush through it!)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


Beth McC. said...

Love your not me Monday! Nor have I eaten 3 ice cream sandwhichs in one sitting :)
Your blog is too cute! Happy Monday

Juli said...

Thanks, Beth! Happy Monday to You.

Jenilee said...

mother's day is a perfect day for a break from the kiddos. :) I agree! and the ice cream sandwiches... yum!

Juli said...

Jenilee - A break from the kids is a guilty pleasure, but one my husband thinks is necessary for me (thankfully!)