Friday, May 14, 2010

Kid Quotes

I love the sayings my kids come up with. The Big Princess is very good at sounding very grown up, but being very funny at the same time. Here are some of my favorite sayings from my kids, at least the three that can speak full sentences!

The Big Princess - (Said to me while we were driving home one night in the summer) Mommy, the stars are singing!

Little Dude - His reply to Daddy when Daddy said, "I like your shirt." Little Dude's reply, "It's stripped, like Thunder Ball!" (For those of you who don't know this is from a James Bond theme song which actually says, "...strikes, Black Thunder Ball")

Mini-Me - Her reply when Daddy noticed her hair was getting long "You're looking very shaggy." Mini-Me, "No, I Daphne!"

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