Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Imaginary Jesus"

Have you ever discovered that the way you imagined Jesus to be wrong? I clearly remember the time it struck me that Jesus did not look anything remotely like the flannel graft Jesus I grew up with. Gone was the vision of light brown, straight hair, blue eyes, glowing white clothes, and perfectly manicured nails.

Matt Mikalatos carries the analogy even farther in his book "Imaginary Jesus". I was hesitant to start reading it. Was he going to poke fun at people who believe Jesus is real? Was he going to push one type of "Jesus" on me? Once I started reading, I couldn't put the book down! I finished reading it in one sitting.

Join Matt as he takes you on a fun filled, laugh out loud romp "through time, space and Portland, Oregon". He journeys to discover if his Jesus is the real Jesus. Along the way he meets Magic 8 Ball Jesus, White Supremacist Jesus, Political Jesus, and a host of others. Would one of them be the real Jesus? I'm not going to spoil the book. I promise you one thing, you will enjoy this book. It will make you think, while laughing. What could be better?

copy of "Imaginary Jesus" provided by Tynale House


Matt Mikalatos said...

Hey Juli--

Thanks for the review, and I'm glad that you enjoyed Imaginary Jesus!


Juli said...

Matt - You're welcome! Always enjoy sharing a great book with anyone and everyone!
