Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tranquil Tuesday

Today I resolve to have at least 5 minutes of tranquility. A difficult feat with four kids, as some of you know. Sometimes it's even difficult if you don't have any kids. I have found that, if I take even 5 minutes out of my day to do something for me, I can pass that tranquility on to my children and create a calmer day for everyone. From just locking the bathroom door while I'm in there to heading out with a friend, 5 minutes or 5 hours, I need some tranquility in my life. [This 5 minutes does not include the time I spend praying or reading the Bible, which also leads to a more tranquil day.]

This Tuesday, I resolve to drink 1 cup of hot tea. Not warm or rewarmed, but hot and fresh out of the pot.

What are doing to make your Tuesday more tranquil?

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