Thursday, November 12, 2009

30-Day Shred, among other things...

Matt pointed out that I haven't blogged, or written, in awhile. I had thought to only write when inspiration hit me, but I never seem to be near my computer when that happens. I'm going to go back to inundating you with daily blogs. Now, aren't you excited?

11 days ago I started the 30-Day Shred. I thought I was going to die at first. It was very hard. 20 minutes of none stop working out. I could barely walk the next day. Here I am at day 11, and level one is actually getting easier. After tomorrow, it's on to level 2! I've tried level 2 a couple of times, with my sister-in-law. She did not like lvl 1, so the past couple of times she worked out with me we did lvl 2. Her husband even tried lvl 1. He said his arms felt like they would fall off the next day!

In other news...
Elizabeth is going to have a tea party this weekend for her birthday. She decided she wanted to invite all the girls in her class. It looks like we will have 9 little girls running around the house on saturday.

Sammy has informed us that he is no longer Sammy, but Sam or Sam C. We try to remember to call him Sam, but he has been Sammy from the day he was born.

Amelia learned to climb the stairs.

Hope tries to take herself to the potty, but never gets there in time... That's a whole 'nother story.

I was in the bookstore the other day and I saw a book written by one of the people I met at the writer's conference this summer. That was really cool.

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