Friday, August 6, 2010

"The Witness"

"The Witness" by Josh McDowell

Marwan Accad, co-owner of Accad and Associates, an executive security company, finds himself embroiled in a French conspiracy. His current job is to find the wife of a wealthy Egyptian. During a meeting with the man, the unthinkable happens, his client is assassinated and Marwan becomes the only witness, and the only suspect.

Marwan flees for his life, suffering a gun shot wound in the process. Wanting to escape France, he flies to Morocco and to the safety of a friend's house. There he begins his journey towards a new life.

A redemption story, I had mixed feelings about it. Some places McDowell gives great detail, but in others I felt something was lacking. Not much is said about the conspiracy, or the resolution of it. While McDowell does an excellent job of portraying arguments for redemption, Marwan's conversion seemed too easy. His inner struggle was shown, but it seemed very superficial. The ending left me with too many questions to feel satisfied by it's abruptness.

It had so much potential to be a spectacular story, but it was just a good story.

A good read for the beach.

This copy provided by Tyndale house, but the opinions are my own.

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