Saturday, August 28, 2010

20 Weeks to a Book - Week 9 (or there abouts)

I am far behind in my weeks for writing. I have been lax and have not written anything for my book. I have been writing, though. I finished a devotional and sent it on to Penned from the Heart. I believe it will be published in the 2011 edition. I have also been organizing myself to work on 2 articles for Moms and their children's health care. I hope to have those done this month to be sent out by the end.

Here's what Maeve has to say in week 9: Visualize Success...Sounds simple, but it's not always. The mind is powerful. It has the power to think some into thinking they are ill, doctor's encourage patients to visualize being well again (which does help), if your mind believes something has happened, your body can have all the sensations that it has happened. It can be scary thinking of all the power your mind has over you! Maeve encourages us to think about what it will be like to be successful...How will you celebrate when you publish that book? Who will you tell? What will you wear? How will you announce it? Detailed dreams of what it will be like to finish your book can spur you complete it during those times when writing is the toughest.

Get out there and visualize your success. I know I am!

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