Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weep With Those Who Weep

I mourn for the living.
I mourn for those
gathered around the grave.
I mourn for the loved ones
left behind.

I mourn for those mourning.

I mourn for the widow,
sleeping alone
for the first time in sixty-five years.

I mourn for the child,
forced to wander through life
without their hero.

I mourn for words left unspoken,
the Thank yous,
the I'm sorrys,
the unsaid good bye.

I mourn for the living.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I Mourn Not

I Mourn Not

I mourn not for the dead.

I mourn not for those

In their Eternal Home.

I mourn not for those in Hell.

I mourn not for those in Heaven.

I mourn not for the loved ones,

Lost to this Cursed World.

I mourn not for the life

They left behind,

Their Past,

Their unfinished Future.

I mourn not for things left undone,

Mistakes made,

Victories won,

Wounds inflicted,

Kindnesses shown.

I mourn not for the good they did,

The wrongs they wrought.

No, I mourn not for the dead.

(copyright 2011, Juliana M. Cobb)